Xilong Zhou
CV [Feb. 2024]
xzhou (at) mpi-inf (dot) mpg (dot) de
I am a postdoctoral researcher at Max Planck Institute for Informatics, working with Dr. Christian Theobalt. I finished Ph.D. in the Computer Science and Engineering department at Texas A&M University under the supervision of Dr. Ergun Akleman and Dr. Nima Kalantari.
Before this, I recieved my M.S in the
Petroleum Engineering department at Texas A&M University.
I am fortunate to have spent great time interning at Adobe Research (2021,2022,2024) and Meta Reality Lab (2022).
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I am interested in the computer graphics, computer vision, deep learning, neural rendering, 3D generation/reconstruction and inverse rendering.
PhotoMat: A Material Generator Learned from Single Flash Photos SIGGRAPH 2023[PDF] [Paper Page]
A Semi-procedural Convolutional Material Prior CGF2023 (Eurographics 2023)[PDF] [Paper Page]
Look-Ahead Training with Learned Reflectance Loss for Single-Image SVBRDF Estimation SIGGRAPH ASIA 2022[PDF] [Paper Page]
TileGen: Tileable, Controllable Material Generation and Capture SIGGRAPH ASIA 2022[PDF] [Paper Page]
Adversarial Single-Image SVBRDF Estimation with Hybrid Training Eurographics 2021[PDF] [Paper Page]
Enhanced adsorption of anionic surfactants on negatively charged quartz sand grains treated with cationic polyelectrolyte complex nanoparticles Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, September 2018[PDF]
Computational Photography Course Projects inclulde image alignment based on SSD metric, image blending, seam carving, HDR tone mapping and image matting.[Project]
Image Synthesis & Computer Graphics Ray Tracer was written to realize photorealistic rendering, spcial effects (Texture Mapping, Color Bleeding, Reflection/Refraction, DOF, Translucency, motion blur, etc.) and Mipmap texturing with anisotropic filter. BRDF Rendering, radiosity algorithm and volume rendering were implemented as well.
Physically Based Simulation Physically based simulation project includes: Kd-tree implemented particle system, flocking system, rigid body, spring structure and fluid simulation.
Reviewer: SIGGRAPH 23', SIGGRAPH ASIA 23', Pacific Graphics 23', CGF, Eurographics 24'
PETE 612: Unconventional Oil and Gas: Fall 2015
PETE 312: Formation Evaluation: Spring 2016
VIST 271/270: Computer for Visualization: Spring 2017, Summer 2017
CSCE 110: Programming: Spring 2021
CSCE 222: Discrete Structure for Computing: Fall 2018, Fall 2019
CSCE 221: Data Structure and Algorithm: Spring 2019
CSCE 441: Analysis of Algorithm: Summer 2019, Fall 2021
CSCE 421: Machine Learning: Fall 2020, Spring 2022
I am crazy about working out and I used to go to gym six times a week. I also like painting (See my Portfolio), saxphone and movies. Here is a short animation I made from scratch using Maya, "Pokeman Go Go Ghost"